Protein Structure and Sequence Analyser (PSSA)
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  1. Humphrey, William, Andrew Dalke, and Klaus Schulten. "VMD: visual molecular dynamics." Journal of molecular graphics 14.1 (1996): 33-38.
  2. Heinig, Matthias, and Dmitrij Frishman. "STRIDE: a web server for secondary structure assignment from known atomic coordinates of proteins." Nucleic acids research 32.suppl_2 (2004): W500-W502.
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  4. Rose, Peter W., et al. "The RCSB Protein Data Bank: redesigned web site and web services." Nucleic acids research 39.suppl_1 (2010): D392-D401.
  5. Rego, Nicholas, and David Koes. "3Dmol. js: molecular visualization with WebGL.(" Bioinformatics 31.8 (2015): 1322-1324.